Helping You Rebuild Your Life Back

after a faith crisis, faith deconstruction, or religious trauma

21 End of Year Questions (for those who have left their faith) christmas new years releasing rituals winter solstice

 As the year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to pause and reflect on the journey you've take...

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Orange Cardamom Sun Cookies for Winter Solstice gratitude holidays intentions releasing rituals winter solstice

The Winter Solstice isn’t just about the return of the sun—it’s a powerful reminder of your own jour...

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Christmas Glimmers Without Religion christmas holidays hope winter solstice

Glimmers are small, fleeting moments of light, hope, or joy, often found in the midst of hardship or...

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Winter Solstice Golden Milk holidays hope winter solstice

So, the winter solstice is coming up, and if you’re anything like me, the holidays can be... well, a...

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Shadow Self Journal Prompts releasing shadow self winter solstice

Getting to know, understand, and embrace your shadow self is a powerful process, especially for thos...

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Burning Bowl Ceremony (without fire) new years releasing rituals winter solstice

**This Burning Bowl Ceremony (without fire) journal page concept was inspired by the original creato...

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DIY Memorial Candles death emotional healing grief rituals winter solstice

lt's been almost 9 years since my mother died. I can't explain how surreal it is to write that down ...

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