Winter Solstice Simmer Pots
If you love the warming spices of winter and rituals that make space for creating intentions, then these Winter Solstice Simmer Pots are a must try for the season! Since Winter Solstice is a time for reflection, gratitude, embracing new beginnings, and connecting to nature, what a beautiful way to honor this holiday and your inner world.
One of the things I ask myself is before I create a ritual of my own is: What senses can I incorporate into this? How can I bring my WHOLE self into this experience? One of the things that quickly grounds me is using my sense of smell, so anything I can do to combine aromatherapy into my rituals, I'm all for. And trust me when I say these simmering pots do not disappoint.
You guys, I wish you could smell what I smelling right now. I've had mine simmering all morning long and my dining room is full with hints of cinnamon, cloves, and citrus. Oh wait, I can almost taste the rosemary now. It's like with every inhale, I get a different note of Christmas. My husband just came into the kitchen, asking if I'm making cookies. I wish I could bottle this up and send it over to you. Then again, you can just make it for yourself and then you'll understand what I'm talking about.
Not only do they smell divine, but there is beautiful symbolism for the items that go into these simmering pots, too. Now, you don't have to understand it, let alone believe in the symbolism. The beauty of creating your own traditions for Christmas (and even spirituality) is that you get to leave out what doesn't fit and keep what is important to YOU. But if you do like symbolism and want each item that goes into the pot to have some significance, a quick google search can lead you down an amazing wealth of kitchen witchery wisdom.
Here is the symbolism for my simmer pot ingredients:
- Cranberries: Gratitude and appreciation
- Rosemary: Protection, healing
- Pine: Resilience, emotional wellbeing
- Cloves: New beginnings
- Cinnamon: Healing
- Apples: Rebirth, wisdom
- Oranges: Abundance
- Bay leaves: Success
You don't have to follow this exactly as far as ingredients and amounts are concerned. These Winter Solstice Simmer Pots are very forgiving and easy to add to. You can choose whatever ingredients you love. But the best part is how you can use this as a ritual of your own to get more intentional during the holidays. On each bay leaf, you're going to write the words you want to focus on for the month, Christmas, or Winter Solstice. As you place each leaf into the simmering pot, and as the aromas fill your home, so will your intentions, reminding you that you are the co-creator of your life.
How to Make Winter Solstice Simmer Pots
Makes: 1 simmer pot
- 1/2 orange, sliced
- 1/2 apple, sliced
- 1/2 c. fresh cranberries
- 1 Tbsp whole cloves
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1 branch from a pine tree
- 2 rosemary sprigs
- 5 bay leaves
- large pot
- Throw everything into a large pot (except the bay leaves), cover with 8-12 cups of water.
- Take a moment to take a deep breath and connect to your inner wisdom. Think about 3-5 words that you want to keep focused on this season. Consider them to be a compass to help you navigate a holiday that can be difficult. With a Sharpie, write the words down on each bay leaf. This is to remind you that you have power here. You are not at the mercy of everyone around you and, to a certain degree, you can control how YOU want to experience this season.
- Once you have your words written on the bay leaves, thoughtfully throw each on into the pot.
- Bring to a boil and then turn down to low to simmer. As you smell the warming spices and flavors filling your home, may it be a reminder of the intentions you are creating this holiday season.
- While you have it on low, grab your journal and favorite pen, and write for 15 minutes from this prompt: How do I want to feel this season? What are the words I'm choosing? How will I give myself the gift of these intentions? As you write the words that you are choosing to focus on, see if you can incorporate your Physical Self into this and locate how each word would FEEL in your body.
- Allow to simmer for as long as you'd like, making sure to add more water when needed.* When you are finished, you can drain the water out and then discard the ingredients into the trash.
*Please do not leave your stovetop unattended.
You can also simmer your pot while you're:
- Trimming your Christmas tree
- Making your Christmas Ornament Wishes
- Baking cookies
- Participating in your own Burning Bowl ritual (without fire!)
Check out THIS POST where we show you how to dehydrate the fruit so you can turn them into thoughtful gifts (with a CUTE printable instructions card to include, too!). And if you are looking for more ways to celebrate Winter Solstice, check all of these posts out.