Helping You Rebuild Your Life Back

after a faith crisis, faith deconstruction, or religious trauma

If Easter Is Triggering For You boundaries holidays relationships

There is something about the holidays like Easter when questions like:

  • Are you going to church?
  • ...
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How Accountability Turned You Into a Perfectionist boundaries good girl perfectionism religious programming

If religious environments taught you to constantly take an inventory of yourself so you could...

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Creating Boundaries Around Your New Beliefs boundaries relationships self care

Remember when we said that it makes sense why boundaries are difficult for you because you were...

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The Misconception of Authenticity boundaries religious programming

Let us guess, your beliefs are shifting and you don’t know how to talk to your religious...

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Unhealthy Boundaries Religion Said Were Godly boundaries

One of the tricky things about leaving religion is navigating boundaries. We find the majority of...

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