Helping You Rebuild Your Life Back

after a faith crisis, faith deconstruction, or religious trauma

Creating Your Own Rituals christmas easter holidays rituals spiritual self winter solstice

Rituals are your personal way to build purpose and meaning into your life. And since you are...

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DIY Sorrow Tea Bags (A Grief Ritual) emotional healing emotional self grief rituals

Grief is an emotion that can't be predicted or controlled, and when it visits, it's BIG. It...

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself on Your Birthday birthdays rituals

There is something about getting another year older that makes me sentimental about life. I'm...

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How to Create A Vision For the New Year (Vision Bowl Ritual) holidays new years rituals spiritual self winter solstice

What if there was no "better you" to be? What would it feel like if you could accept that...

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A Ritual for Grief: Creating a Grief Box emotional healing emotional self grief rituals

Here is a practical, yet beautiful ritual to help with honoring and releasing that sadness...

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New Terms For Prayer rituals spirituality

For some of us, we really loved and miss the ritual of prayer while we were in...

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New Sunday Rituals rituals sunday rituals

For those who have left their faith, it is so common to feel a sense of emptiness on Sundays. A...

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A Ritual For Releasing Old Religious Beliefs rituals spirituality

With fall in the air here in the northern hemisphere, the turn of the new season...

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