Helping You Rebuild Your Life Back

after a faith crisis, faith deconstruction, or religious trauma

The Hamster Wheel of "Healing" good girl religious programming

You wouldn't be the first person to come out of their faith as an adult, realizing:

  • You have no

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The Exhausting Rules of the Religious Good Girl good girl healing

Did you grow up thinking you needed to be/think/and do everything perfectly, all under the umbrella ...

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Why You Still Fight Yourself (and how to stop) good girl healing religious programming self care

The same high-demand religion that taught you to hate your sinful nature, probably also trained you ...

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How Accountability Turned You Into a Perfectionist boundaries good girl perfectionism religious programming

If religious environments taught you to constantly take an inventory of yourself so you could confes...

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Healing From the Religious Good Girl good girl healing

Do you think that in order to heal from being the religious good girl, you must now become the oppos...

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What is the Religious Good Girl? good girl religious programming

We often use the term "Religious Good Girl" to describe the typical experience of our clients (not t...

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How Religion Trained You to be the "Good Girl" good girl

As the religious good girl, it's typical to think that shaming yourself is the best motivator to cha...

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